AGM image


The upcoming AGM for Tai Chi for Health Community New Zealand Inc.

Please find below all the following documents that relate to our 2023 AGM (scheduled for 07:30pm on 17th of July 2023 via Zoom):

Agenda for the 2023 AGM

Minutes from the 2022 AGM

Chair Report

Treasurer’s Report


Agenda for 2023 AGM


1. Opening of Meeting – Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of the previous AGM

4. Matters Arising from the previous minutes

5. Chair’s report

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Election of Committee Members

8. Set Annual Membership Fees

9. Motions to be considered:

        a) … No general motions have been presented for 2023

10. General Business

        a)  Te Reo introduction to TCHC NZ Inc: brief background (Chair)

11. Date/Location AGM 2024

 Chair Report for the year 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023

To be presented at Zoom AGM, 17th July 2023

This being our fourth Zoom AGM of TCHC NZ Inc., welcome to all those present.

Meetings: Meetings have continued by Zoom. Primarily they have been Mondays at 7:30pm. All Committee Members have contributed thoughts and facts gathered between meetings. Along with email correspondence this has shortened the length of meetings over the year.

Committee members: Committee Membership was boosted at the 2022 AGM with Jacky Whitfield joining us.

Sadly we farewell Robert Haas from the Committee.

He has been an exceptionally active member since 2019 and over the recent year has given much of his time overseeing the website, newsletter MailChimps and generally ‘keeping us to task’.

Robert has a fresh approach and an eye for detail which has been greatly appreciated. In the years he has been contributing to the work of the committee Robert has truly carved his place and will be leaving a very positive mark in our history.

We will have a gap in his skills and Robert has generously offered to guide the person who wishes to give the Website and Mailchimp tasks a go. Thank you Robert – your contribution to the Committee and to the whole community is truly valued.

Committee work: Whilst being mindful and conversing about many aspects of TCHC NZ Inc
our 2022-23 focus has been towards …

    • Introduction of Te Reo as a reflection of our name and motto ( a brief introduction
      will be outlined in General Business and our Life member Toi Walker is scheduled to
      present to us after the AGM on his Te Reo koha to TCHC NZ Inc )
    • Consideration of adjusting membership type titles.

Neither of these have been brought to the point of bringing a motion to the AGM

    • We have also been working towards a schedule of document reviews to ensure we keep up to date in documentation.

With Robert leaving the Committee numbers are now projected to be five – we can build this up to seven and look forward to welcoming new Members.

Again I conclude that we are so very fortunate to be Tai Chi for Health practitioners promoting health and wellness. Tai chi blessings to you all.

Chris Hattle – TCHC NZ Inc Chair

Minutes from the 2022 AGM (click button below)


Treasurer’s Report 2022-2023 (click button below)